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Masturbation is the safest s3x in the world – Amber Rose

Masturbation is the safest sex in the world - Amber Rose Lailasnews 1
American celebrity Amber Rose, has declared that she believes masturbation is the safest sex in the world. She voiced out her opinion on Instagram with a short video.
In the short video that looks like a promo for an adult-toy production line, the slut walk activist was seen frolicking around in the video with adult toys, in a rather sexy erotic manner.

She captioned the video
”Masturbation is the safest sex in the world. Have fun!”
Watch and share your thoughts below;
Just some few days back, Amber Rose was pictured in a pose that seemed as if she was masturbating. In the photos, Amber Roe had her hand placed inside her pants as if she was self servicing and in another photo, she posed as though she was licking the finger she had used on herself.
This is a hot one coming from the drama queen, who always seems to be in the news for controversial issues.
The convener of the Amber Rose Slut Walk has been associated with a number of celebrities in the past. She is currently dating rapper 21 savage and she holds the annual Slut Walk to sensitize the world on discrimination against women.
According to her website, amberroseslutwalk.com
“Slut,” a word that exploded into disturbing context after a Toronto police officer told a crowd of college women that if they wanted to avoid sexual assault, they shouldn’t dress like sluts.
Infuriated women across the country, outraged by this comment united to take a stand. The SlutWalk has now become a global movement with grassroot success in over 200 countries.
The Amber Rose SlutWalk is a nonprofit event that is playing a monumental role in the movement towards gender equality, ending rape culture, victim blaming, slut and body shaming and other social injustice issues. Propelled by this mission, the Amber RoseEmpowerment Weekend was born.

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