Fornication and witchcraft are twin sisters; Lady says as she warns against Valentine’s day
According to Chukwuba Chiluba, when one fornicates, he or she looses spiritual power because fornication is an act which provokes God to anger. The female lawyer and social media influencer shared her opinion on fornication and witchcraft which she said are alike. The young lady said this ahead of Valentine’s day (February 14)
Fornication and witchcraft are twin sisters. In witches coven, fornication is a free for all activity. They deliberately engage in it to provoke God to anger. One way you can easily recognize a witch or wizard is their lose and seductive nature.Another evil of fornication is the loss of power or vision. If you fornicate, you can easily loose spiritual power. If you are a fornicator, Satan will give you something else- an idol to take the place of God in your life. It is impossible for the one who is living in fornication to serve God.
Every fornicator is either into witchcraft, or is a victim of witchcraft. These heinous sins are combined, hence God cannot stand anyone who fornicates. According to 1 Samuel 15:23, there is a link between witchcraft and idolatry. Every witch, wizard or subscriber to the occult in any form is an idolater.Ask that God’s judgement will come on unrepentant agents of darkness sent to seduce men and women of God all over the world.
In another post made on Facebook, she wrote;
Why is it that Real virgins are shy to admit their status? I guess it’s because society would “Virgin shame them “..
Tomorrow is valentine, you don’t need to prove anything , you are good the way you are , don’t be pressurised to do anything you are not ready for . If you still want to be a virginThen virgin you shall be , you are not harming anyone , be proud of yourself. You don’t have to worry about pregnancy or STD … Enjoy itVirginity is the new cool
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